Work, work, work. I do what I love, and I love what I do. Because, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Schweiz­erische Post

Schweiz­erische Post

With­in this stamp series, the hand emerges as the cen­tral fig­ure, offer­ing solace, encour­age­ment, or love – a win­ning motif from the com­pe­ti­tion, now proud­ly adorn­ing stamps and let­ters alike. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Dr.Schier’s Swiss Pre­mi­um Honey

Dr.Schier’s Swiss Pre­mi­um Honey

Every day, the old man took a large spoon­ful of his own hon­ey. His grand­son also got some. That grand­son became Pro­fes­sor Dr. Felix Schi­er, a retired pedi­atric sur­geon who today con­tin­ues his grand­fa­ther’s tra­di­tion as a beekeeper. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Ho ho ho

Ho ho ho

All I want for Christ­mas is… a Christ­mas card. A col­lec­tion of my annu­al Christ­mas cards, along­side client Christ­mas cards and Christ­massy cook­ie tin designs. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Lightwing AG col­lab­o­rates with ETH Zurich on “CELL­SIUS H2.” They work togeth­er to inte­grate a hydro­gen propul­sion sys­tem into the Lightwing AC4, with ETH stu­dents enhanc­ing the fuel cell system. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri


One could apt­ly refer to it as “the art of fine writ­ing”, as let­ter­ing designs, employ­ing embell­ish­ments, depth, and artis­tic expres­sion, ele­vate words, num­bers, and entire phras­es into dis­tinc­tive works of art and design. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri
House & Living

House & Living

House & Liv­ing presents exquis­ite vaca­tion apart­ments set in the awe-inspir­ing land­scapes of Laax (Graubün­den) and Mag­gia (Tici­no). It’s a place to sim­ply let your soul unwind. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
HNO Prax­is

HNO Prax­is

The dis­tinc­tive cor­po­rate design for Sha­hab A. Rahi­mi Azar’s pro­fes­sion­al endeav­ors encom­pass­es an ele­gant, sub­tly ori­en­­tal-inspired mono­gram har­mo­nious­ly paired with a bold serif font. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
WE Emmen

WE Emmen

A new and con­tem­po­rary web­site for the non-prof­it hous­ing coop­er­a­tive WE Emmen with it’s main design motif based on the ver­ti­cal and hor­i­zon­tal lines and bars of the mono­gram logo. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


The illus­tra­tion for the plant cube, designed as a gift for RailAway’s clients and part­ners, cap­tures the essence of trav­el and explo­ration. The illus­tra­tions is used as sleeve, stick­er and laser-engraving. 

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1280 1707 Joel Bur­ri

Sub­tle motion, light­ness, atmos­pher­ic and con­trast­ing imagery, as well as a bright appear­ance, are the key ele­ments that define the new Moos web­site interface. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Moos Photo­graphy

Moos Photo­graphy

Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from baroque still life paint­ings, the food pho­tographs for Moos cre­ate a cap­ti­vat­ing show­case for the entire Moos prod­uct range. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri


A new and dynam­ic online pres­ence for the trust­ed fidu­cia­ry com­pa­ny based in Zurich. Light, sim­ple and intuitive. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


The redesign of the Umbrail Golf Import brand. The golf shop with an exten­sive range of prod­ucts and afford­able prices. Every­thing that makes a golfer­’s heart beat faster. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Bäckerei Moos

Bäckerei Moos

Estab­lished in 1974, the Moos bak­ery rep­re­sents a fam­i­­ly-owned, sus­tain­able, and qual­i­­ty-focused busi­ness. The new brand iden­ti­ty reflects on the bak­ery’s his­tor­i­cal roots and com­mit­ment to serv­ing everyone. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Wel­come aboard the team – the seefeld­kick­ers extend an extra­or­di­nary oppor­tu­ni­ty to all soc­cer enthu­si­asts, both girls and boys, with its bright and play­ful cor­po­rate design. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Mar­co Odermatt

Mar­co Odermatt

Let­ter­ing design for Mar­co Oder­matt, the prodi­gious alpine ski­er, cel­e­brat­ing his unpar­al­leled tri­umphs at the Olympic Games, in giant slalom, and in the World Cup. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri


An ongo­ing col­lec­tion of small brand­ing projects as well as design pro­pos­als that some­times didn’t make the cut. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Sales & Ser­vice Point

Sales & Ser­vice Point

The Sales & Ser­vice Point Nebikon, a part of Stein­er Group AG, is your reli­able des­ti­na­tion for well-main­­tained used BMW and MINI cars. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri
HLE Konzepte

HLE Konzepte

Promi­nent lines and beams, rem­i­nis­cent of heat­ing and ven­ti­la­tion ducts, tra­verse the entire­ty of the design, embell­ish­ing pat­terns and typog­ra­phy alike. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Nicole Math­is

Nicole Math­is

Hand­writ­ings emerge through move­ment on a sheet of paper and are an expres­sion of char­ac­ter. Accord­ing­ly, their brand came to life in a hand­writ­ing-like motion. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
ds Lädäli

ds Lädäli

Karin Wal­len­stein­er’s “ds Lädäli” in Sach­seln is a heart­felt endeav­or that presents care­ful­ly selected prod­ucts from local producers. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Illus­tra­tion for Eltern­coach­ing, a group of sport spe­cial­ists, pro­vid­ing sup­port­ive guid­ance to par­ents of sports-enthu­si­as­tic and tal­ent­ed children. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Expect the unexpected: The „aer“ in Neu­per­lach makes the invis­i­ble vis­i­ble. The cor­po­rate design for this real estate project takes this literally. 

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2560 1707 Joel Bur­ri
Koch Kosmetik

Koch Kosmetik

Lubi­ca Koch’s cos­met­ics stu­dio in Stans embod­ies beau­ty, well­be­ing and pre­cise, high-qual­i­­ty facial and body care, reflect­ed in its cor­po­rate design. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Syn­dikat: Walden

Syn­dikat: Walden

Syndikat:Walden aims to sus­tain­ably pre­serve region­al build­ing cul­tures and restore the human-nature con­nec­tion through a holis­tic inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach using nat­ur­al and local­ly sourced materials. 

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2560 1707 Joel Bur­ri
Die Halde

Die Halde

Perched 1,147 meters above the mun­dane, the “Halde” offers a sanc­tu­ary that embraces atten­tive care, where the ulti­mate lux­u­ry is to feel both secure and lib­er­at­ed amidst the moun­tain’s embrace. 

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2560 1707 Joel Bur­ri


Along with its refur­bish­ment comes the new iden­ti­ty of Fran­cis: A bright and play­ful, yet sim­ple and struc­tured design. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Archi­tec­ture meets Illustration

Archi­tec­ture meets Illustration

Pas­tel meets Bru­tal­ism – and archi­tec­ture meets illus­tra­tion: An ongo­ing series depict­ing aston­ish­ing exam­ples of archi­tec­ture around the globe – to show the beau­ty in sim­plic­i­ty, geom­e­try and endurance. 

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2560 1707 Joel Bur­ri


Bru­tal­ism as a State­ment: RAW’s cor­po­rate design emerges with clar­i­ty and dis­tinc­tion. The cus­tom font is craft­ed from geo­met­ric ele­ments that can be art­ful­ly com­bined, result­ing in the cre­ation of sin­gu­lar symbols. 

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2560 1707 Joel Bur­ri


A con­tem­po­rary and sophis­ti­cat­ed visu­al iden­ti­ty and pack­ag­ing design for the nat­ur­al cos­met­ics line EMsana Naturkos­metik, con­tain­ing selected flower essences accord­ing to Dr. Bach. 

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2560 1707 Joel Bur­ri
Fritz München

Fritz München

Cap­tur­ing the essence of “Sturm und Drang”, Fritz seam­less­ly blends cre­ativ­i­ty and ratio­nal­i­ty. Line draw­ings por­tray­ing Schiller’s works are com­ple­ment­ed by a bold cus­tom font, cre­at­ing a cap­ti­vat­ing visu­al experience. 

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1920 1301 Joel Bur­ri


The new web design for the WSJV com­bines impres­sive West­ern Swiss images, play­ful icons, ample white space, and con­tem­po­rary fonts. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Wei­dt Park Corner

Wei­dt Park Corner

Five col­or­ful and straight illus­tra­tions depict­ing the Wei­dt Park Cor­ner, its loca­tion, the green and fam­i­­ly-friend­­ly sur­round­ings, the offices, and its name­sake, Otto Weidt. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Let the wed­ding bells ring – The invi­ta­tion to my best friend’s wed­ding, con­tain­ing var­i­ous col­or­ful illus­tra­tions depict­ing the wed­ding loca­tion in Inter­lak­en, com­bined with a cus­tom sten­cil font print­ed in sil­very cold-foil. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


The Brug­ga Riv­er flows through the deep­est val­ley in the Ger­man low moun­tain range, with a depth of 800m. It serves as the inspi­ra­tion for the upcom­ing restau­rant by Mar­tin Hegar, apt­ly named “Bruggaa.”

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Rep­re­sent­ing the char­ac­ter of the build­ing, the design imple­ments a lav­ish use of typog­ra­phy, gold appli­cants and glis­ten­ing var­nish, that reflect on a cen­tu­ry of wealth and elegance. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Momm­sen & Wieland

Momm­sen & Wieland

His­to­ry and new begin­nings. The design for this apart­ment build­ing con­vinces through its unadul­ter­at­ed ele­gance, sim­plic­i­ty and purity. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


A one-of-a-kind busi­ness park ensem­ble deserves a one-of-a-kind iden­ti­ty, cap­tur­ing the mixed-use char­ac­ter of this com­mer­cial space. 

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2560 1707 Joel Bur­ri
Der Müh­len­hof

Der Müh­len­hof

The design for the Müh­len­hof is inspired by the panoram­ic views of the vast ocean, the sandy beach­es and lush green­ery sur­round­ing it, the design for the Mühlenhof 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Hotel Hohen­zollern

Hotel Hohen­zollern

The illus­tra­tions for the mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als con­sist of dif­fer­ent scenes con­jur­ing the feel­ing and lifestyle of the roar­ing twenties. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Q21’s month­ly pro­gram poster is designed by selected artists focus­ing on the Q of the brand and its var­i­ous inter­pre­ta­tions accord­ing to a spe­cif­ic subject. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Once a new build­ing in 1900, now a seam­less fusion of old-world charm and con­tem­po­rary ele­gance, Neun­zehn­hun­dert beau­ti­ful­ly bridges two dis­tinct eras. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


A design akin to the mis­sion of a ren­der­ing com­pa­ny: To bestow upon an archi­tec­tur­al idea its third dimen­sion and to visu­al­ize con­cepts that lie beyond the imag­i­na­tion of others. 

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2560 1707 Joel Bur­ri


The brand­ing con­cept for this archi­tec­tur­al land­mark of Berlin is an ode to the spir­it of the Gold­en Age of Art Deco with its orna­men­tal style. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri
QUEST Invest­ment Partners

QUEST Invest­ment Partners

The annu­al report of QUEST is a log­­book-like mag­a­zine filled with data, maps, pho­tographs and illus­tra­tions – just like a cap­tains log­book on a ship. 

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780 900 Joel Bur­ri


Fra­grantia, inspired by the Latin word for fra­grance, serves as an inno­v­a­tive mono­graph­ic mag­a­zine series, with each edi­tion ded­i­cat­ed to a spe­cif­ic spice. In addi­tion to offer­ing numer­ous spice-based recipes, the mag­a­zine also artis­ti­cal­ly explores the spice’s char­ac­ter­is­tics and peculiarities. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri


My poster design for the tourism exhi­bi­tion of Welt­for­mat 2015, part of the tourism fes­ti­val “Gäs­ti­val” in cen­tral Switzerland. 

view case study
780 900 Joel Bur­ri


My pro­pos­al for the poster design com­pe­ti­tion: A colour­ful, explo­sive dig­i­tal col­lage, reflect­ing on the diver­si­ty & pow­er of creativity. 

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1280 1706 Joel Bur­ri

Error 404
Some­thing wicked this way came…
and dis­ap­peared again.

Error 404
Some­thing wicked this way came…
and dis­ap­peared again.