Ho ho ho

Ho ho ho – All I want for Christ­mas… is a Christ­mas card. Over the course of my stud­ies, a tra­di­tion took shape, where I craft an annu­al Christ­mas card for friends, fam­i­ly, and clients. Begin­ning with the art of screen print­ing, these cards have trans­formed into a delight­ful array of var­i­ous styles, imagery, and ever more refined and enhanced print­ing techniques.

Shown below are my per­son­al Christ­mas cards from the past years, start­ing in 2017. These are com­ple­ment­ed by the client-based Christ­mas cards and cook­ie tin design.


2017 – ongoing


Concept, design and implementation


Illustration, Type Design, Lettering

780 900 Joel Burri
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Error 404
Some­thing wicked this way came…
and dis­ap­peared again.