Koch Kosmetik

Koch Kosmetik — Für Schön­heit, Selb­st­be­wusst­sein & Wohlbefind­en In 2019, Lubi­ca Koch assumed own­er­ship of the Sher­azade Cos­met­ic & Well­ness stu­dio locat­ed on Spiel­gasse in Stans. Fol­low­ing an immense­ly suc­cess­ful inau­gur­al year, a deci­sion was made to embark on a trans­for­ma­tive jour­ney to mod­ern­ize both the name and the cor­po­rate iden­ti­ty of the establishment.

Koch’s work rep­re­sents pre­cise facial and body care of the high­est qual­i­ty, in har­mo­ny with a unique sense of well-being. The “kk” mono­gram, sym­bol­iz­ing this har­mo­ny and val­ues, was incor­po­rat­ed into the sta­tionery, includ­ing let­ter­heads, busi­ness cards, gift vouch­ers, and advertisements.

Ele­vat­ing this visu­al nar­ra­tive fur­ther are one-line illus­tra­tions and art­ful water­col­or effects. These artis­tic embell­ish­ments not only ampli­fy the aes­thet­ic appeal of the visu­als but also artis­ti­cal­ly accen­tu­ate the trans­for­ma­tive effects of the treat­ments. Through the deft inter­play of these artis­tic ele­ments, the images come alive, radi­at­ing the essence of reju­ve­na­tion and radi­ance that define the Sher­azade experience.




Concept, design, illustrations and implementation (brand, printed matter, ads)



Branding, Corporate Publishing, Webdesign, Photography


780 900 Joel Burri
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Some­thing wicked this way came…
and dis­ap­peared again.