
Dr.Schier’s Swiss Pre­mi­um Honey

Dr.Schier’s – Swiss Pre­mi­um Hon­ey Every day, the old man took a large spoon­ful of his own hon­ey. His grand­son also got some. That grand­son became Pro­fes­sor Dr. Felix Schi­er, a retired pedi­atric sur­geon who today con­tin­ues his grand­fa­ther’s tra­di­tion as a beekeeper.

For Dr. Schier’s Swiss Pre­mi­um Hon­ey, I car­ried out a com­pre­hen­sive web­site redesign to show­case its excep­tion­al hon­ey prod­ucts and their pro­found con­nec­tion to nature in a modern and invit­ing manner.

This redesign was­n’t just about updat­ing the site struc­ture and imple­ment­ing a new con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem; it was about cre­at­ing an expe­ri­ence. I care­ful­ly refined the typog­ra­phy, intro­duc­ing Mar­lide Dis­play to add depth and ele­gance to each head­line, while sub­tly empha­siz­ing the pre­mi­um qual­i­ty of Dr. Schier’s products.

The web­site’s col­or scheme, inspired by nature and hon­ey, is now a care­ful com­bi­na­tion of soft green-yel­low hues that cre­ate a calm­ing and nat­ur­al atmos­phere. The prod­uct photo­graphy has been pre­sent­ed in a new light, adding a hedo­nis­tic aspect to the oth­er­wise sim­ple web­site, while infor­ma­tive icons illus­trate the phi­los­o­phy behind Dr. Schier’s work.




Concept, design and implementation


Brand Refresh, Webdesign


780 900 Joel Burri

House & Living

House & Liv­ing – Dein Zuhause fernab von zu Hause House & Liv­ing presents exquis­ite vaca­tion apart­ments set in the awe-inspir­ing land­scapes of Laax (Graubün­den) and Mag­gia (Tici­no). Close your eyes for a moment and inhale the essence of free­dom and adven­ture. Your moun­tain bike stands pre­pared, your back­pack neat­ly packed – the Swiss moun­tains, wood­lands, and val­leys unfold before you in their full splen­dor. Whether on foot, wheels, skis, or snow­board, the pris­tine wilder­ness extends an invi­ta­tion. At the end of a day brim­ming with expe­ri­ences, you retreat to your cozy vaca­tion apart­ment. Allow your weary legs to find solace on a com­fort­able sofa or indulge in a reju­ve­nat­ing escape to the near­by spa. It’s a place to sim­ply let your soul unwind.

The design of House & Liv­ing seam­less­ly merges an ele­gant typog­ra­phy with a lin­ear depic­tion of the grandeur of the Grisons moun­tain range. The myr­i­ad place­ments of these ele­ments give rise to a range of logo adap­ta­tions, each har­mo­nious­ly tai­lored to its respec­tive appli­ca­tion. Adding to this, a cir­cu­lar insignia fea­tur­ing the let­ter “H” embell­ish­es the design.

Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from the enchant­i­ng set­tings of the vaca­tion apart­ments, the design gen­er­ous­ly inte­grates evoca­tive imagery and text, inter­weav­ing them with a touch of pic­turesque allure. All of this is art­ful­ly com­bined with a min­i­mal­ist yet sophis­ti­cat­ed design frame­work, echo­ing through serene nat­ur­al hues.




Concept, design and implementation


Branding, Webdesign


780 900 Joel Burri

HNO Prax­is

HNO Prax­is – Küss­nacht am Rigi AG Dr. Sha­hab A. Rahi­mi Azar is the pro­pri­etor of the HNO Prax­is – Küss­nacht am Rigi AG. The dis­tinc­tive cor­po­rate design for his pro­fes­sion­al endeav­ors encom­pass­es an ele­gant, sub­tly ori­en­tal-inspired mono­gram har­mo­nious­ly paired with a bold serif font. The mono­gram’s let­ters, O R L, sym­bol­ize the Oto-Rhi­no-Laryn­gol­o­gy, the med­ical term for Ear, Nose, and Throat Med­i­cine, a spe­cial­ized field that focus­es on the areas of ears, nose, and throat.

Fur­ther enhanc­ing this unique design is the incor­po­ra­tion of a script font as an addi­tion­al sig­na­ture and design ele­ment, com­ple­ment­ed by a palette of ele­gant­ly lumi­nous shades with­in the green col­or spec­trum. This com­bi­na­tion imparts a modern and dynam­ic expres­sion to the brand­ing, effec­tive­ly cap­tur­ing the essence of vitality.




Concept, design and implementation


Shahab A. Rahimi Azar




780 900 Joel Burri


Golfim­port – A per­fect fit. Umbrail Golf Import dis­tin­guish­es itself with an exten­sive range of prod­ucts at afford­able prices. In their golf shops on and off the golf cours­es, as well as online, you can find not only all types of golf clubs but also a vari­ety of acces­sories, from golf balls to trol­leys – every­thing that makes a golfer­’s heart beat faster.

Inspired by the orig­i­nal logo of Umbrail Golf Import AG, the new design con­sists of a word­mark and emblem. Both fea­ture sub­tle golf motifs in visu­al and typo­graph­ic forms. This inter­play turns images into let­ters and let­ters into a visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion: The emblem, posi­tioned at the cen­ter, depicts a golf tee with a golf ball, rep­re­sent­ing a golf­ing tool as well as the low­er­case “i” of “import.” The emblem is sur­round­ed by abstract­ed golf clubs, which also appear in the “ear” of the cus­tomized low­er­case “g.” The fi-lig­a­ture, formed by the down­ward stroke of the “f,” rep­re­sents a golf bag with a golf club.

The new slo­gan “A per­fect fit” refers not only to the golf retail­er’s cus­tom fit­tings but also to out­stand­ing cus­tomer satisfaction.

The design acquires an sub­tle ele­gance and that spe­cial golfer­’s touch through abstract­ed Birdie Book patterns.




Concept, design and implementation (brand, printed matter, socials, ads)



Branding, Corporate Publishing, Social Media, Photography


780 900 Joel Burri

Bäckerei Moos

Bäckerei Moos – Brot für alle. In 1974, the bak­ery Moos was estab­lished by Otto Moos in the for­mer Zur Spend­müh­le bak­ery. Today, it is run by Fabi­enne and Mar­co Mez­zadri-Moos and con­sists of 6 branch­es in the can­ton of Lucerne. This fam­i­ly-owned bak­ery rep­re­sents a sus­tain­able and region­al tra­di­tion­al craft with a focus on high qual­i­ty and atten­tion to detail. This is reflect­ed in the new brand iden­ti­ty: Inspired by the col­or and design ele­ments of the orig­i­nal logos, the new design fea­tures a dynam­ic script word mark full of char­ac­ter and unique­ness, infused with a touch of nostalgia.

The new slo­gan, “Brot für alle”, harkens back to the sig­nage “Zur Spend­müh­le” promi­nent­ly dis­played above the entrance of the branch on Tauben­hausstrasse. In the first half of the 20th cen­tu­ry, this was where the poor and unem­ployed received their “dona­tion” in the form of bread and a warm place.

The design is com­plet­ed and round­ed off by hand-drawn bak­ery icons in the style of the word mark. These icons serve as the basis for the orig­i­nal pack­ag­ing materials.




Concept, design and implementation (brand, printed matter, webdesign, photography)


Branding, Corporate Publishing, Photography, Webdesign


More Moos

780 900 Joel Bur­ri
Moos Photo­graphy

Moos Photo­graphy

780 900 Joel Bur­ri
780 900 Joel Burri


seefeld­kick­ers – Mach ai dui mit! Wel­come aboard the team! The seefeld­kick­ers extend an extra­or­di­nary oppor­tu­ni­ty to all soc­cer enthu­si­asts, both girls and boys, invit­ing them to join a Kick­ers team and engage in soc­cer dur­ing the spring and fall sea­sons. Their mis­sion is to offer chil­dren, who have not pre­vi­ous­ly been part of a soc­cer club, the chance to immerse them­selves in the world of the sport. The doors are wide open for young­sters seek­ing either a casu­al week­ly soc­cer expe­ri­ence or those aspir­ing to gear up for scout­ing sessions.

Their fresh brand iden­ti­ty is a reflec­tion of the diverse and exhil­a­rat­ing mem­ber­ship. The logo takes the form of a badge, effec­tive­ly con­vey­ing the essence of sports, foun­da­tion, and our deep-root­ed con­nec­tion to the com­mu­ni­ty, achieved through an array of cap­ti­vat­ing visu­al ele­ments. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, icons in a con­sis­tent style are used to illus­trate the con­tent visu­al­ly found on their web­site. The strate­gic incor­po­ra­tion of tra­di­tion­al gen­der col­ors, pre­sent­ed through grids and gra­di­ents with an inten­tion­al twist, is designed to active­ly inspire indi­vid­u­als of the oppo­site gen­der to enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly par­take in the realm of soccer.




Concept, design and implementation


Branding, Webdesign


780 900 Joel Burri


Logopho­lio – Logos & Marks. An ongo­ing col­lec­tion of small brand­ing projects as well as design pro­pos­als – because dur­ing a project I try­out many dif­fer­ent routes of logo styles – and even­tu­al­ly only one of all these pro­pos­als ends up becom­ing the brand. Here is a selec­tion of the designs that didn’t make the cut – but are nonethe­less the ones I some­times even liked the most.


2017 – 2022 (and ongoing)


Concept, design and creation


Logo Design, Branding

780 900 Joel Burri

Sales & Ser­vice Point

Sales & Ser­vice Point – Saubere Arbeit, fre­undliche Preise The Sales & Ser­vice Point Nebikon, a part of Stein­er Group AG, is your reli­able des­ti­na­tion for well-main­tained used BMW and MINI cars. This garage boasts a modern and time­less appear­ance, thanks to its min­i­mal­ist yet mean­ing­ful logo. The cen­tral fea­ture is now a styl­ized dot that clev­er­ly incor­po­rates the dou­ble S as a shad­ow let­ter. This dis­tinc­tive sym­bol enhances the back­grounds of our new visu­al cam­paign with an impres­sive dou­ble-expo­sure effect, while main­tain­ing a con­tin­u­ous focus on peo­ple and their activ­i­ties. The new cor­po­rate design is enhanced by a bold grotesque type­face, which is also employed in our exte­ri­or and inte­ri­or sig­nage, there­by estab­lish­ing a uni­fied brand identity.




Concept, design and implementation


Branding, Wayfinding


780 900 Joel Burri

HLE Konzepte

HLE Konzepte – Ihre Energieprofis Since 1997, HLE-KONZEPTE AG has been design­ing com­plex and tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced sys­tems for prop­er­ty devel­op­ers and archi­tects. Their exper­tise lies in the plan­ning of heat­ing and ven­ti­la­tion sys­tems, as well as the devel­op­ment of ener­gy con­cepts that they over­see through to implementation.

The new cor­po­rate design of the com­pa­ny is char­ac­ter­ized by lines and beams that tra­verse the entire design, resem­bling heat­ing and ven­ti­la­tion ducts. These abstract pat­terns adorn the fea­ture images and seam­less­ly inte­grate into the typog­ra­phy of the redesigned logo. The base col­or blue empha­sizes the tech­ni­cal aspect of their work. An expand­ed col­or spec­trum reflects the diverse range of ser­vices in the field of modern HVAC (Heat­ing, Ven­ti­la­tion, Air Con­di­tion­ing) tech­nol­o­gy. The new­ly craft­ed icons are rem­i­nis­cent of schemat­ic draw­ings fre­quent­ly encoun­tered in archi­tec­tur­al planning.




Concept, design and implementation


Branding, Webdesign


780 900 Joel Burri

Nicole Math­is

Nicole Math­is – sports psy­chol­o­gist Nicole Math­is is a cer­ti­fied sports psy­chol­o­gist. Her brand pre­sen­ta­tion reflects the breadth of her sports psy­chol­o­gy expe­ri­ences and her con­cept, which is based on resource enhance­ment and a solu­tion-ori­ent­ed approach.

Hand­writ­ings emerge through move­ment and shap­ing on a sheet of paper, express­ing one’s char­ac­ter. They pro­vide insights into an indi­vid­u­al’s per­son­al­i­ty. Accord­ing­ly, the new logo emerged in a hand­writ­ing-like motion, sym­bol­i­cal­ly incor­po­rat­ing her ini­tials as a design ele­ment. The illus­trat­ed sports icons also arose from these move­ments, con­vey­ing the unique char­ac­ter of her clients from the world of élite sports.




Concept, design and implementation


Nicole Mathis





780 900 Joel Burri

Error 404
Some­thing wicked this way came…
and dis­ap­peared again.