
seefeld­kick­ers – Mach ai dui mit! Wel­come aboard the team! The seefeld­kick­ers extend an extra­or­di­nary oppor­tu­ni­ty to all soc­cer enthu­si­asts, both girls and boys, invit­ing them to join a Kick­ers team and engage in soc­cer dur­ing the spring and fall sea­sons. Their mis­sion is to offer chil­dren, who have not pre­vi­ous­ly been part of a soc­cer club, the chance to immerse them­selves in the world of the sport. The doors are wide open for young­sters seek­ing either a casu­al week­ly soc­cer expe­ri­ence or those aspir­ing to gear up for scout­ing sessions.

Their fresh brand iden­ti­ty is a reflec­tion of the diverse and exhil­a­rat­ing mem­ber­ship. The logo takes the form of a badge, effec­tive­ly con­vey­ing the essence of sports, foun­da­tion, and our deep-root­ed con­nec­tion to the com­mu­ni­ty, achieved through an array of cap­ti­vat­ing visu­al ele­ments. Simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, icons in a con­sis­tent style are used to illus­trate the con­tent visu­al­ly found on their web­site. The strate­gic incor­po­ra­tion of tra­di­tion­al gen­der col­ors, pre­sent­ed through grids and gra­di­ents with an inten­tion­al twist, is designed to active­ly inspire indi­vid­u­als of the oppo­site gen­der to enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly par­take in the realm of soccer.




Concept, design and implementation


Branding, Webdesign


780 900 Joel Burri
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Error 404
Some­thing wicked this way came…
and dis­ap­peared again.